
Amanda Casillo, PCES | CPPC | CPT | CNC | PN1-NC

Certified by Sarah Duvall’s Core Exercise Solutions (CES) for Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist, Girls Gone Strong Academy (GGS) for Pre- & Postnatal Coaching, by Arizona’s local National Academy of Sport’s Medicine (NASM) for personal training and nutrition coaching, and Precision Nutrition (PN) for Level 1, Certificate in Nutrition and Coaching

Based in Phoenix, Arizona

In person training offered through Fit By Amanda
Virtual personal training and nutrition coaching services offered through the Mindset of Matter programs

My style is based on slow and controlled resistance training to maintain/regain strength, with focuses on pelvic floor stability, rehabilitation, and recovery. My nutritional coaching centers around creating a foundation for improved health and nutrition with realistic expectations. These foundations are based on a client’s past and present experiences, their current circumstances, and to ensure optimal pregnancy, birth, and postpartum needs are met.

My Training Style

My Fitness Journey

I began my journey over ten years ago in my college gym which initiated a drive to challenge myself and consider the importance of my long term health. From there, I continued to escalate workouts and nutrition which eventually became a growth opportunity in recognizing signals from my body.

After years with restrictive eating, injuries, physical therapy, even surgery, I developed a new prospective to my training programs. I encouraged slow and controlled movement, working on foundational exercises, and mind-body connection. Thus emerged my core personal training principles and nutrition coaching guidelines.

I wish to share these core concepts with the women and provide guidance with those who are looking to improve their health. This led to Fit By Amanda being created; an intimate coaching experience, with personalized coaching for women.

My Goals